My Platform and Priorities
- The Downtown Crisis, and Public Safety
unhoused, mental health, alcohol addiction, opioid crisis, associated criminal activity, violence, and unacceptable behaviour – action with understanding and compassion.
- Affordable and Attainable Housing for Everyone
for the young and old, families, couples and singles, the homeless and vulnerable – action with new solutions.
- Improve Access to Health Care
access to Doctors, services, over capacity hospital, Seniors Care – action more long-term care.
- City Finances and Taxes
reduce expenses, value for tax dollars, and dealing with inflation – action new non-taxation revenue streams.
- Supporting Business, Industry and Development
job loss affects all of us hurting people, families, children -action retention, attraction, and diversification.
- Reconciliation and Collaboration
respecting 1st nations history, people, culture, vision, and values.
- Balancing Economic, Environmental, and Social Values with Fiscal Responsibility